School Uniform

We have an optional school uniform which is designed to be simple and practical. It helps to create a sense of identity and belonging and consists of;

  • Dark green sweatshirt with school logo or dark green cardigan.
  • Gold or white polo shirts (with or without school logo);
  • Dark green or grey/black skirts;
  • Dark grey or black trousers;
  • Green/white check dresses in summer;
  • A pair of wellies for outdoor activities

Please clearly label all items of clothing.

We ask that children are sensibly dressed, with black school shoes, and can manage their own clothing when dressing and undressing for PE and when using the toilet.

We do provide aprons when children are doing messy activities but occasional accidents may result in clothes getting marked.

We try to provide paints and glues which will wash or soak out of clothes.


Our P.E. kit comprises of a yellow t-shirt and green shorts, available from local suppliers. For health and safety reasons, a pair of trainers will be required for games or sports activities on the field, mainly during the summer term.

Jewellery and other valuable items should be kept at home and we ask you to ensure that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery.

NO jewellery is allowed to be worn during PE lessons.

Lost Property

Lost property is retained in school for at least a term and is kept in a clear plastic box in the Entrance Hall. After a term, any unclaimed items are recycled.

‘Absolutely over the moon with this school!’

Parent Feedback

‘I’d like to thank the staff for making my son’s first year at school lovely. He’s come on so much. I feel they have supported his needs so well. Thank you!’

Parent Feedback

‘Had fab support – thanks’

Parent Feedback

‘My child’s improvements are so great. He has come a long way in the last year and you can really tell. Very happy with his progress.’

Parent Feedback

‘The girls have loved their time at Burlington Infants, such a well run and excellent school. Thank you for the last 3 years especially in the extraordinary circumstances.’

Parent Feedback

‘My child has really enjoyed her time at this school, thank you for making her experience enjoyable.’

Parent Feedback

‘So happy with Burlington Infants. Been a lovely few years.’

Parent Feedback

‘Fabulous journey through Infants as usual!’

Parent Feedback

‘Our son is very happy at this school and has thrived since coming into Reception, he loves coming to school.’

Parent Feedback

‘The support we have received this year has been above and beyond and I cannot thank my child’s teacher enough for her caring and loving nature with my daughter with her emotional well-being during Reception.’

Parent Feedback

‘My child has really enjoyed his time in Year One.’

Parent Feedback

‘Thank you so much for being so brilliant! We will miss you’

Parent Feedback

‘Excellent school – really happy with the progress my child is making. Staff are lovely and welcoming and always have a smile on their faces.’

Parent Feedback

‘Lovely school, end of an era, highly recommend!’

Parent Feedback