Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

‘Play is the highest form of research’

Albert Einstein

In the first years at school, much learning is done through play. Do not be fooled by the word play.

Play is a child’s work!

Play teaches children about themselves and others;

It develops their skills of mind and body.
It develops their ability to concentrate and persevere.
It develops their imagination and creativity.

It is through these early learning experiences that the child, with adult guidance, builds up an understanding, which is the basis for reading, writing and mathematical skills, whilst also developing a positive attitude to learning.

Aims of our Early Years Curriculum

  • We want all our children to be the best that they can be. We want them to feel happy, safe and secure and we want to give them the best possible start to school life.
  • Our curriculum has been planned to provide our children with a range of experiences and skills that will enable them to have the best start.
  • We want all our children to develop skills that will equip them to be successful in life. We want our children to be confident, resilient learners who can keep themselves safe, have good social skills, communicate effectively and are well prepared for future learning.

Overarching and Guiding Principles of the Early Years Framework

Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time.  Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.

Children develop and learn at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Useful Information:

The Reception Day

The children are allocated to one of two Reception classes. Your child will work both in small groups and as a part of the whole class. At other times, the classes join together for Go Off And Learn, (GOAL), sessions, where your child will choose which activities to do, both indoors and outdoors. These sessions are carefully planned to promote learning through structured play activities.


In school, the children read in lots of ways as part of both large and small groups and individually. As well as books from the school reading scheme, Read Write Inc, they will read lots of other words, sentences and stories during the school day. Once the children have settled into school, they will start to bring home a story or information book to be shared and enjoyed with an adult. As soon as each child is ready, a Read Write Inc book will be sent home. Please listen to your child read for a few minutes each day. Children need repetition to help them learn, and reading the same book several times will help to build confidence. Don’t forget to sign and make a comment in your child’s reading diary.


To begin with in school we say the sound the letter makes, not its name. You can, however, encourage your child to know both, as we introduce the name and sound during the year through our very structured Read Write Inc programme.

The Curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage supports children’s learning through the following seven areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
Children develop a positive sense of themselves and respect for others as they learn to take turns, share and develop friendships.

Physical Development:
Skills of control, coordination and manipulation are developed, using both big and small movements.

Language and Communication:
Communication and language are at the heart of young children’s learning. Planned activities will help your child to speak clearly and listen attentively.

Children will begin to recognise and write letters and sounds before blending them to read and write simple words and sentences.

The children learn, through songs, games and practical activities, to count, read and write numbers, solve simple problems, sort, measure and recognise shapes.

Understanding of the World:
Children explore, observe and problem solve as they make sense of the world.

Expressive Arts and Design:
Being creative enables children to make connections between each area of learning. We develop creativity through art, music, dance, role play and imaginative play.

Learning Characteristics
Through these seven areas of learning, we will teach the children the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning;

Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

We want all our children to develop a real love of learning! 

‘Absolutely over the moon with this school!’

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‘My child has really enjoyed her time at this school, thank you for making her experience enjoyable.’

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‘So happy with Burlington Infants. Been a lovely few years.’

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‘My child has really enjoyed his time in Year One.’

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‘Thank you so much for being so brilliant! We will miss you’

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‘Had fab support – thanks’

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‘My child’s improvements are so great. He has come a long way in the last year and you can really tell. Very happy with his progress.’

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‘I’d like to thank the staff for making my son’s first year at school lovely. He’s come on so much. I feel they have supported his needs so well. Thank you!’

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‘The support we have received this year has been above and beyond and I cannot thank my child’s teacher enough for her caring and loving nature with my daughter with her emotional well-being during Reception.’

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‘The girls have loved their time at Burlington Infants, such a well run and excellent school. Thank you for the last 3 years especially in the extraordinary circumstances.’

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‘Lovely school, end of an era, highly recommend!’

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‘Fabulous journey through Infants as usual!’

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‘Our son is very happy at this school and has thrived since coming into Reception, he loves coming to school.’

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‘Excellent school – really happy with the progress my child is making. Staff are lovely and welcoming and always have a smile on their faces.’

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